Thursday, November 4, 2010

Give us this day our daily bread...or cake...or crackers.

I don't remember Ron and I making a conscious decision to involve food in a more direct way during the Rock Island after school 'gatherings' but, somehow, it happened.  The last two or three weeks, for whatever reason, food has been the source of lots of laughter and enjoyment.  

For example, video 1 was a contest we decided to institute in order to get rid of some birthday cakes that were so generously donated to us at Cross and Crown.  We only had a few and so we cut one up so everyone could have a slice but then decided to distribute the other two cakes to the the two kids who won the contest.  The contest was pretty simple.  Whoever could eat their piece of cake the fastest without using their hands wins.  Simple enough.  Enjoy...

The next several videos document several of the kids failed attempts to eat 6 crackers within 60 seconds. Key word, FAILED.  Not one of them could conquer the challenge but don't be so quick to judge.  I bet you can't either!

Here's my favorite video.  Check out the panic in his face and borderline cracker explosion that nearly occurrs only seconds in to the challenge.  Needless to say, FAILED!

And, here are the rest of the FAILED attempts.  In this one Junior decides he would rather have 60 seconds instead of 1 minute...hmmm

and the follow up...

and finally the "bow out"...

Get ready for next weeks challenge = "Eat as many expired corn-dogs in 30 minutes as you can!"

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