Instead of the typical Wednesday look of video games, pizza and lots of noise Ron, Paul, myself and several of the junior high/high school Rock Island'ers picked up a couple thousand pounds of frozen meats, fruits, breads and potatoes.
We then distributed all of this goodness to neighbors throughout the neighborhood. Some we knew and others we met for the first time.
This one, relatively simple, act that we were able to do yesterday is one of my favorite occurrences at my job.
People getting food is great but that's not what I'm talking about.
One of my favorite aspects of my job is when the youth from Rock Island contribute and invest in THEIR neighborhood.
Even though they may not realize it or completely grasp the significance of it all, it's crucial that these kids learn and practice practical ways they can influence and make an impact in their community; both now and in the future.
One of the most crucial truths we have learned firsthand about impacting this neighborhood is that there must be indigenous leaders.
We can try to develop ideas, programs and ministries to help stabilize this community but long, lasting impact FOR THIS neighborhood will be performed by people OF THIS neighborhood.
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Great post, Luke!! Love it!