There has been lots of activity at Cross and Crown during this Christmas season and if you're interested in being apart of all or some of what's left then here is how you can help...
1. Sunday Worship
This Sunday (December 12) we will be having our Christmas celebration. It starts at 6:00 with our meal followed by a time of worship at 6:30. Then, around 7:15 or so, following the worship, we will wrap up the night by giving away warm jackets/coats, beanies/toboggans, gloves, scarves and blankets to each family member or individual.
During this time we will, also, be keeping our eyes open for families with younger children to select a toy or present from a small selection of gifts that we have collected throughout the past year.
2. Food Pantry/Clothing Room
As usual, the food pantry and clothing room will be open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to the neighborhood and we are always excited to have some new volunteers helping and praying for the people that come with need for the day.
3. Rock Island
Historically, during the Christmas season Rock Island has done something memorable with and for the most consistent, regular attendees during the previous school semester. This year we're planning on the same.
In years past we have done gift exchanges (Dirty Santa), delivered gifts to families of Rock Island students and even had the old, traditional 'Christmas Party' with punch and cookies but this year we want to do something that we have, somewhat, gotten away from at Rock Island.
We want to get them out of their normal, comfortable setting of their neighborhood and experience, for some the first time, another part of Oklahoma City. It may seem, kinda, silly or insignificant to you or someone else reading this but what we have learned is anytime we can get the kids out of their routine, everyday environment we are able to see a whole different side of some of the kids.
This year we are teaming up with a small group of youth from a church in another part of the city for dinner and a movie. It's a youth group 'date', of sorts.
The plan is simple. Meet up with the other group. Go eat dinner. Talk. Laugh. Go to the movie. Throw popcorn. Get reprimanded. Laugh. Get a few phone numbers during the movie. Talk some more. Head back to Rock Island. Don't put on a seat-belt. Get reprimanded. Put on a seat-belt. Get back to Rock Island. Merry Christmas.
This year, instead of gifts, we want to give the kids an experience. A memory. We want to give them an opportunity to meet new people in a new environment. To strengthen friendships.
So there is how you can be apart of what's going on at Cross and Crown and Rock Island these last couple days and weeks before Christmas comes and goes.
Here's how you can serve:
- Sunday night - Help serve food, pass out jackets, coats, mittens and scarves. Shop the gift area with kids and families. Help clean up.
- Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday - Help in the prayer room by meeting and praying for families and individuals. Carrying food boxes for women or the elderly.
Here's what you can bring/give:
- Jackets/coats, toboggans, gloves, scarfs and blankets.
- Small gifts/toys for children on Sunday night.
- Financial gifts towards the Rock Island dinner and movie. (We may be eating at McDonald's depending on what kind of money we can pull in before next Wednesday)
If interested in helping or contributing in any way please email me at or just show up!