As of late there has been a growing desire for jobs amongst the youth of Rock Island. I know, huge surprise. During one of the toughest times in history for grown adults with developed educations to get jobs, now the 16 and 17 year old kids want them! With that being said, I understand that most managers/business owners might not be super amped to hire a high school student to work for them. I also know there are alot of jobs that many grown adults and educated people consider themselves "over-certified" to work or not suitable for their needs.
So, my proposal, my need, my question to you you own a business, a company or some type of establishment that is in need of workers? The summer is over halfway gone and school will start back up in less then a month. Do you have a need for workers after 3, 4 or 5 o'clock once school is over?
Maybe you do. Maybe you don't. Or maybe you kinda do or could have a position but you're not interested in hiring a kid from the neighborhood we're in because he or she is too big of a risk... There are alot of people I know, and even more I am sure that I don't know, that say they wish we were open different hours or different days because with the hours we have now they can never come because it's during the work week. They want to come help at the mission and be apart of the ministry that is already planned and going, which is great. But...
What if... what if you could use your current business or workplace as your own ministry.......You could hire on younger people and/or adults, even risky ones, just for the sake of ministry! You could secretly try to mentor or teach kids work skills that they could use in their current job and maybe even in the future. No, maybe not. You might have to spend extra time with them or give them a bigger learning curve or walk them through things more than you would like. Plus, you don't want to mix work and ministry, that's just asking for a loss in sales or more of a hassle for you because it takes up your time. And, time is money, so, hiring a "risky" kid or some guy off the streets that seems shady is basically a loss of money...and it's just ministry and you can do ministry at church or maybe even a Saturday.
Ok, really bad idea by me. But, maybe if you think it is a bad idea too and want to consider it because you like bad ideas like me, let me know...